Little ol' Wolf Hollow Brewing enjoys a growth spurt

Wolf Hollow tasting room (photo provided)
The Wolf Hollow Brewing Company just got bigger.

The microbrewery, located on Route 5 in West Glenville, this morning took delivery of a pair of new 15-barrel fermentation tanks, effectively doubling its production capacity within a few weeks when the new equipment goers online.

The additional equipment is part of a $120,000 expansion-and-improvement plan that co-owner Peter Bednarek describes this way:

"As many of you know, we have been talking about our expansion project for a while now and kept using the word 'soon.' Well, this morning 'soon became a reality.' ...  Along with these new tanks there have been some other projects going on around the brewery you may also have noticed. Last week, we put in a brand new septic system, which you can still see right now when you pull into the parking lot on the left side. This new system will allow us to handled the scaled-up beer production.

"Another project that most have not seen is the new keg refrigerator that has been constructed in the back barn. This fridge is now home to the 200+ new kegs that arrived on the truck along with the fermenters this morning and also soon will be operational to help store all the new beer. "

Wolf Hollow has been working with four seven-barrel tanks. The expansion will enable it to broaden its portfolio from 12 to 16 brews. In addition, expanded tasting rooms will be added. Currently, they are limited to  Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The facility is located at 6882 Amsterdam Road. Phone: (518) 214-4093.
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