The national chain -- whose motto is simply "Wings. Beer. Sports." -- has partnered with Lagunitas Brewing Co. of Petaluma, CA, to create a new, lower-alcoholic beer called Fandom Ale for its customers who want a less potent brew.
Fandom Ale is available for a limited time at all 1,188 links in the Minneapolis-based sports bar chain that claims to serve more draft beer than any other restaurant group in the country.
In the Capital Region, BWW is located in the Clifton Park Center shopping complex.
Fandom Ale is a mix of wheat beer and pale ale with a citrus aroma. It has 5.5% abv, less than some of its hoppier India pale ale beers. A review at the BeerAdvocate website says it “smells of citrus, hops, sweet malt and a hint of alcohol. Fits the style of an American Pale Ale.”
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