Shot and a beer from Anheuser-Busch

Way back when, if you ordered a shot of whiskey with a beer chaser, it was called a boilermaker.

In a sense, some brewers may be looking at that combination in a different way as the global dropoff in beer sales continues.

Brewing giant Anheuser-Busch is testing a new line of fruit-flavored shots to be mixed with beer. The idea came from Long Tail Libations, a subsidiary founded last November to develop and market spirits.

Its first product was Jekyll & Hyde, something I wrote about at the time. It's two bottles of different distilled liquors intended to be mixed into a single drink.

Last summer, A-B began marketing Tilt. It's a raspberry-flavored malt beverage with caffeine and herbal additives, and an alcohol content determined by various state laws. The range is from 4 to 6.6%.

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